May we take
Another bite
From that
Original fruit

So we may
Once again
Come to know
Good from evil.

I mean…
So much time
Has passed
Since we tasted it.

Our tastebuds
Have forgotten.

She ordered Acceptance
And as the waiter
Walked past me
With it
Covered up
On a tray
I could smell it
I. Could. Smell. Acceptance.

It smelt like…
Like Love.

Acceptance smells
Like Love
And what does
Love smell like?

Love smells like
A journey down
Loss, Pain, and Suffering
Also, joy. Yes, joy too
And delight. And wander
And surprise. And the most
Intimate mixture of
Being seen and being met
That you can ever imagine.

And now.
Right now.
This moment.
Can you smell that?
That’s what love smells like.

As the waiter returned,
I touched them,
Ever so slightly
Covid and all,
And said,
I want what
She is having…

Double portion.

I was about to walk

Towards the Moon,

And she said,

“Stop right there.

Find the path

To your own light.

Then come.

Love you.”

If you love deeply,
Your heart
Has already
Been shattered
Into a thousand pieces.

Pick up the pieces
Place them
Into the hands
Of your
Most liberated Self.

It will not
Put the pieces
Back together.
No. No.

It will purify them
And send them
Out into
The world
To love a thousand souls.

P.S. if you ever want to put
The pieces back together again.
But if you really, really want to try,
I may know where one piece is.
It’s doing wonders over here 😉

When you come to

Crossroads in Life,

Of all the directions

You can choose –

Forward, backwards

Upwards, downwards,

And so on.

Do not hesitate.

Run Selfward

To who you truly are.